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Sunday, November 23, 2008

NOTE: Please open another window to view appendices as you go along. Read the words on the pictures itself too.


The main objective of this report is to evaluate how Singapore Biennale 2008 had adopted the various components of the events marketing mix (8Ps) and how effective these components had been used to contribute towards the success of Biennale 2008. Considerably, events could also be linked to the tourism sector; hence, this report will also consider the tourism roles of Singapore Biennale 2008 to Singapore and its value to the tourism economy.

This research was undertaken on 07 November 2008, 6pm-8pm. A field trip visit to the various venues of Biennale 2008 was carried out. This field trip was also accompanied by my friends. Initially, we wanted to visit the exhibition at Esplanade Bridge. However, we could not find the exact venue and decided to head down to City Hall instead.

We got lost due to this poster outside the Esplanade. Despite following the direction arrow, we could not find our way.

Having heard of the successful stories of Biennale 2006 spurred my interest to Biennale 2008. The theme this year is WONDER which challenges visitors to wonder anew at the world we are living in. Biennale 2008 consists of exhibitions of contemporary arts featured by 50 renowned international and local artists.

This is my first time participating in an event related to Arts. Initially, I thought that it would be boring as I will not be able to understand the stories behind the artworks. However, the entire experience proved me wrong. Let us see how the events marketing mix had contributed to the success of this event.

Evaluation of the effective use of Marketing Mix

The events marketing mix consists of the 8Ps, namely: Product, Place, Partnerships, Promotions, Packaging & Distribution, Programming, People and Price.


Product encompasses all of the elements that make up Biennale 2008.

In the case of Biennale 2008, the core product would be the enjoyable, educational and inspirational experience I had. This is an intangible element of the product mix as it refers to the benefits the event gave me. For example, the Kids Biennale section triggered my emotions as it reminded me the innocence of childhood lives. Viewing the art works done by the kids reveals a smile on my face and triggered my excitement towards the event. (Refer to Appendix A for pictures) Broadening my horizons is another benefit Singapore Biennale 2008 had given me. Not only have I learnt more about the art works, I had also learnt more about the history of City Hall. It also served as a cultural exchange for me as it brings me closer to the other parts of the world like Netherlands, Malaysia, Korea, Thailand, through art works.

On the other hand, the actual product would definitely be the event itself, the art works, venue and decoration. These are the tangible benefit that helps deliver the core benefit as mentioned above. For example, what makes the field trip an enjoyable experience for me would be the ability to touch, feel and get involved with the art works. The exhibition consists of pictures, videos, short clips, statues etc that makes the whole event lively. One of the art works I find it particularly interesting would be the Blackfield, 2008 by Ben-David(UK). When we first stepped into the exhibition room, everyone was stunned by the beauty of the art piece. Shapes and forms of the “plants” are spread across the floor of the room. These plants are etched out of thin metal and are painted in colour on one side and black on the other. As we walked around the art piece, we get a different view and feeling. (Refer to Appendix B for more details on the exhibitions.)

Lastly, the augmented product of the event would definitely be the free collaterals given by the management. Augmented products are the additional features that different this event from its competitors. The free collaterals (guide and article review) helped to enhance my understanding towards Biennale 2008 and hence provided me an extra value to purchasing the event admission ticket. Also, what differentiate Biennale 2008 from other arts exhibitions would be the ability to interact with the various interesting art pieces.

Biennale Shop can also part of the product mix as it is one of the subset of the entire event. Items for sale include limited edition t-shirts, limited edition collectibles (guide) and their limited edition tote bag. These limited editions items also add to the entire product experience. People in possession of these items will feel closer to the event and their sense of identity is also strengthened.

Biennale 2008 had used the product mix to its advantage relatively well. Different forms of art pieces were presented to let the audience develop different emotions towards different art pieces. The varieties of art pieces also meet the needs of the various target markets. For example, teenagers would be interested in the more vibrant art pieces whereas art lovers would appreciate the stories behind the art works. Arts exhibitions are no longer only for arts lovers as the Kids Biennale section would definitely appeal to the kids.

However, as the event was held at City Hall, the building and monuments were decaying. The whole atmosphere was scary as we walked along the corridors as there were no lights switched on on Levels 1 and 2. As exhibitions were inside different rooms, we had to move on from one room to another very often. Sometimes we do mix up on which rooms we have not visited as we keep seeing the sign “Exhibitions continues”. After finishing the exhibitions on the right, we will have to walk back to the sign and proceed to the left. This can be really confusing which I think the management can consider improving on.


Singapore Biennale 2008 took place in 4 different venues, mainly:
• City Hall
• South Beach Development
• Raffles City Shopping Centre
• Marina Bay (Central Promontory Site, Esplanade Bridge, Singapore Flyer)

Click here for the map.

The 4 locations are strategically located at the heart of Singapore as it is the town area of Singapore which attracts the most human traffic. Majority of the venues are located near City Hall MRT station, besides Central Promontory Site, which is located near Raffles MRT station. However by referring to the map below, visitors are able to enjoy Singapore Biennale 2008 in 4 different venues conveniently as the 4 locations are within walking distance.

Besides the location itself, the place where tickets can be purchased are also conveniently located. At City Hall, the ticket booth is just located right at the main entrance. We do not have to search high and low for the ticketing booth.

Biennale 2008 had used location to its advantage. Besides the huge human traffic in the town area, the locations are perfect as it is located at the hub of tourists’ attractions. Esplanade and Merlion Park are the favourite to Japanese and a visit to the Civic District is a must to tourists who visit Singapore. Choosing Biennale 2008 to be located at the 4 venues not only will attract Singaporeans, it will also attract tourists.

However, the placement mix could be further improved by providing more signages along the way to the exhibitions centres. As mentioned, we got lost searching for the exhibition along Esplanade Bridge. Being Singaporeans ourselves, we could not even find the exact venue, let not say the tourists. We approached a Starbucks staff and she told us we got the wrong direction and directed us to City Hall instead. The event could probably include help lines or telephone numbers on the poster so that visitors could contact them for help easily. More signages could also be placed along the way to the exhibitions centres.


Partnerships refer to the stakeholders in producing Biennale 2008.

Their main sponsors include: Neptune Orient Lines, Urban Redevelopment Authority, Marina Bay Singapore, City Developments Limited, ELAD Group, Jet Airways and Dubai World.

For example, Jet Airways is the main sponsor for the Kids Biennale as the prizes are sponsored by them. For more information, please click here.

Their preferred sponsors include: Club 21, Bloomberg, Singapore Tourism Board, and Ikea.

For example, STB included the Biennale 2008 event in their Uniquely Singapore Calendar and Ikea sponsoring them the furniture in Kids’ Biennale.

Their venue partners include: Raffles City Shopping Centre and Singapore Flyer

For example, Singapore Biennale 2008 ticket holders are able to enjoy a ride at the Singapore Flyer at a promotion. This is an example of joint marketing. Raffles City Shopping Centre also provides them the venue for their exhibitions and also included the event on their website. Click here.

Their official community partner is PAssion. PAssion Card Holders are able to enjoy 30% off Singapore Biennale 2008 admission ticket.

Their official travel agent would be Tradewinds Tours and Travel. Tourists who book their air tickets to Singapore via Tradewinds Tours and Travel will be exposed to the Singapore Biennale 2008 banner on their homepage. Click here.

In conclusion, partnerships are able to help the event gain more exposure to different groups of people and reduce cost of the event by sponsorships. Although Biennale 2008 has a wide variety of partners, I suggest that they can partnerwith credit card companies to offer discounted tickets too. This is what retail and F&B shops are doing and the response has been overwhelming.


It includes all marketing communication techniques of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, publicity and public relations.

Biennale 2008 advertises itself via giant posters, collaterals, YouTube and Wonder TV. For example, watch the video below . Advertising efforts were not really visible as I was not aware of this event.

The event also gains publicity by sending press releases to the media. Click here for the media kit. Also, publicity of the event is gained by partners and sponsors as they also feature the event description on their websites. Eg: Uniquely Singapore, Tradewinds Travel and Tour, Raffles City Shopping Centre and Singapore Flyer. Furthermore, a Facebook account was created to gain more exposure and create awareness to the teenagers sector. Click here. Setting up a Singapore Biennale 2008 blog also serves as a promotional tool as reviews were posted on the blog to persuade and encourage people to visit the exhibition as well. Singapore Biennale 2008 has made use of the internet presence to increase publicity too.

Biennale 2008 features a number of sales promotions too. For example the Biennale 2008 guide features a number of promotions shown in Appendix C.

Biennale 2008 also collaborates with Singapore Flyer by offering a top up amount to enjoy a Singapore Flyer ride with the Biennale ticket. Biennale ticket holders only need to top up $21 (adult) to enjoy a Singapore Flyer ride. They can save up to $8.50. Ticket holders also get to enjoy discounts at the retail and F&B outlets at Singapore Flyer. For more details please click here. Last but not least, PAssion card holders get to enjoy 30% off adult biennale tickets!

The main objective of sales promotions is to stimulate sales of biennale tickets through collaborations with various organizations. Consumers would feel that the biennale tickets are worth the money if they get to enjoy so many value added promotions and services. So I personally feel that Singapore Biennale 2008 had done a good job in the promotions mix, particularly sales promotion.

I suggest that Singapore Biennale can gain more publicity by advertising at MRT stations/trains. I was not aware of such an event until I was told to do this field trip. This proved that publicity is not enough. They can probably partner with more popular magazines like Teens to reach out to a different target audience. Looking at their efforts to attract youths by having student price and Biennale Race, they should partner with Teens magazine to create awareness to the youths.

Packaging and Distribution

Biennale 2008 had packaged itself with Singapore Flyer. As mentioned above, ticket holders get to enter Singapore Flyer at a premium rate. By packaging an event and destination together, it is able to boost sales for both parties.

Channels of distribution help to increase the probability of getting the product to the customer. It is a pity that Biennale did not make use of the channels of distribution. Although there is an official webpage (click here) and blog on the internet, visitors are not able to purchase tickets online. Tickets can only be purchased at City Hall or South Beach. The only channels of distributions are partners and sponsors featuring the event on their websites to help create awareness and increase the probability of visitors coming for the event. Although mailing list is provided on their official webpage, it is still not convenient enough. (Refer to Appendix D for examples on channels of distribution)

I suggest Singapore Biennale could offer purchasing of tickets online or early bird promotion. This will definitely help to boost sales. They can also consider collaborating with SISTIC. I read about Singapore SISTIC collaborating with Indonesia’s Tourism Board as they would feature the latest concerts in Singapore in Indonesia. This can definitely help to attract more tourists.


Besides exhibitions, Biennale 2008 also provides Vernissage, Kids’ Biennale, Education and Outreach and Parallel Events.

Vernissage refers to the sneak preview of the Biennale 2 days before its official opening. There is a press conference and gala dinner for invited guests only. This will enables VIP guests to feel special and valued.

The Kids’ Biennale is presented by Jet Airways. Primary school children are exposed to the theme “wonder” and are asked to develop their creativity through doodles and drawings. Arts competition, The Hunt for White Rabbits and learning how to make a windmill are part of the programmes. Engaging kids in these various programmes are able to attract them and makes them feel excited. I really enjoyed the Kids’ Biennale section too as by looking at their doodles and drawings, I am able to ‘read’ their minds as paintings do reveal one’s subconscious mind. I also feel that it is a very meaningful programme as it helps to educate children on racial harmony too.

Biennale 2008 also hopes to target new audience such as youths. Hence, there are programmes such as Biennale Race 2008, Wanderlust, Peer-led guiding and School Tours. (Refer to Appendix E for more details)

Biennale had done a fairly good job in the programming mix as their programs target at different market segment which is able to drive demand. However since they had already taken the effort to target younger market segments, they could try to target the older market segments or even better, families. Programmes could be used to attract different age group of people.


The people mix refers to people working at the Biennale 2008. The first group of people we interacted with is the ticketing staffs. They were very helpful when we first stepped into City Hall and helped us in terms of tickets purchasing.

However, my impression of them was tarnished when I proceeded to the rest of the exhibitions. Most of their staffs are students, which are of the same age group as us. I guessed this is because they are volunteers or interns. When we were browsing through the exhibition, the whole place was actually quite empty. Many of them were talking and laughing in groups. Majority of them were also playing with their mobile phones or PSP. Being in the hospitality industry, their role is to pay attention to their guests and not ignore them.

Singapore Biennale did not made good use of the people mix to its advantage. As I am a student myself, I understand it is boring when there is no one around. However, tourists might leave a bad impression of the hospitality industry of Singapore. Mobile phones and games should be banned during duty. However, service recovery was performed when we seeked their help to take a group picture for us. At the very least, they were helpful enough. However, for every rooms we entered, we would be reminded that they will be closing at 8pm. Isn’t it irritating to keep hearing people remind you that you have to leave at 8pm? I get the feeling that they wanted to chase us out so that they can close on time. However, they do have sufficient product knowledge as they are able to answer our questions regarding the exhibitions. As there were many signages explaining on different exhibitions, we get confused some times. At the very least, they are able to differentiate which signage is for which exhibition.

Biennale 2008 should hire people who have interest towards Arts and not just volunteers or interns. But if they want to cut cost on employment, they should at least provide them with some training on basic hospitality services as the people mix forms a great portion of customer perception and satisfaction.


A single entry pass to Singapore Biennale 2008 is S$10 for adults. Full time students, senior citizens or children aged 3 and below get to enjoy a 50% discount off the actual price, that is S$5. (Refer to Appendix F for more details on pricing.)

Biennale 2008 had made use of the pricing mix to its advantage as ticket prices are priced affordable. In this case, the ticket price is elastic. If they were to price it at double the price, response might not be that overwhelming. As they aim to target the younger market segments this year, price would definitely be sensitive to them as they do not earn any income. Hence, this should be the reason why students get to enjoy 50% ticket admission. Thus the event is elastic as lowering the price would be able to increase demand.

However, not all costs to us are cash. Other costs incurred would be: Time, Physical efforts, Psychic costs and Sensory costs. Refer to Appendix G for more detailed explanation.

In conclusion, Singapore Biennale 2008 had made the pricing mix to its advantage as paying $5 is quite worthwhile to view so many pieces of art works and having fun at the same time. Although there were some unpleasant experiences involved (non cash cost), $5 is still worth it. However if I were made to pay $10, I might find it to be not worthwhile as I had to accommodate with the unpleasant experiences despite paying $10.

Tourism roles and economic value of Singapore Biennale 2008

The various tourism roles and economic value of Biennale 2008 are as follow: Event as Attractions, Event as Animators, Event as Image Makers and Event as catalyst.

Event as Attractions

Singapore Biennale 2008 can be partly counted as a tourist attraction because of its location. Their various venues are famous Singapore tourist attractions, hence this event will gain more expose to the tourists. This is evident from the fact that we saw various tourists visiting the Biennale 2008 too. Pictures are attached in Appendix H.

Biennale is also able to attract quality tourists as people who are interested in arts event are naturally more culturally inspired.
It is also able to spread demand if tourists are very satisfied after the experience. Customer satisfaction will lead to positive word of mouth recommendations and hence they will spread the word about it back in their country. More foreigners would then know about Biennale and hence it will be able to draw more crowds.

If Biennale 2008 were to be successfully portrayed as a tourist destination, it can also increase tourist spending and their length of stay. Tourists might be interested in the Biennale t-shirt, tote bag and guide and hence these will be able to increase tourism receipts. These items naturally attract tourists as they can bring back to their country as souvenirs.

Lastly, Biennale is also able to increase tourist length of stay as 1 day is not sufficient for them to visit all the Biennale venues. Although the various Biennale venues are located near each other, it takes time for tourists to digest the information of the exhibition and it would be boring just visiting the arts exhibitions for the entire day. Tourists could break the venues up into different days and hence they will be extending their stay in Singapore.

Event as Animators

Biennale 2008 is able to attract first visits by their marketing efforts as explained in the Promotions Mix. In the past, people who visit art exhibitions would have interest in this area. However, Biennale is now trying to target more market segments like youths through their blog and Facebook account. The Biennale Race is also a special event created by Biennale 2008 to attract youths making their first visit to the Biennale.

Biennale 2008 is also made interesting and appealing to visitors by providing guided tours. Guided tours are available in English, Mandarin and Japanese to help tourists to interpret the whole arts exhibition.

Repeat visitors should be made up of those who had attended Biennale 2006. As stated above, Biennale 2006 was such a success and that is also the reason why Biennale 2008 is back. Hence, if Biennale 2008 were to be a great success too, it will be able to encourage repeat visitors to the next Biennale.

Biennale 2008 is also able to encourage repeat visits to both Singapore and the Singapore Flyer. As Biennale 2008 is held in Singapore, tourists might develop a liking towards our country and hence will most likely visit us again. Also, the package including Singapore Flyer and a Biennale ticket is able to expose tourists to our new hip attraction in town- Singapore Flyer. If tourists were to enjoy their Singapore Flyer experience, they would definitely visit Singapore Flyer again on their next visit to Singapore.

Event as Image Makers

Singapore Biennale definitely possesses the ability of shaping tourists image of Singapore. Tourism 2015 aims Singapore to be a Leading Convention & Exhibition City in Asia, Asian leisure destination by providing an enriching experience that is Uniquely Singapore and Services Centre of Asia. Biennale 2008 is able to enhance Singapore being a leisure destination as cultural tourists would be attracted. Formally, Singapore has been portrayed as a Medical, Business and Education Hub. Biennale 2008 is a good chance to change the perception of Singapore. Singapore can also be a good destination to experience cultural and heritage.

Event as Catalysts

One of the venues of Biennale 2008 is held at the City Hall which will be converted into a world class national art gallery by 2013. (Refer to Appendix I for City Hall history) Biennale 2008 might not be the main catalyst of this major conversion; however, the conversion of City Hall can provide visitors a better venue for Biennale in the future.

Also, a Downtown Line is under construction which will be ready by 2016. It will provide a strategic transport link to serve workers, residents and visitors in the exciting Marina Bay area and upcoming developments such as the Marina Bay Sands. Biennale 2008 is able to attract more human traffic to the Marina Bay area and this is one of the events that helped to contribute to the vibrant Marina Bay. Hence the huge human traffic might be a catalyst to construct the Downtown Line, although the Integrated Resort might be the main catalyst.


In conclusion, Biennale 2008 had made good use of the marketing mix. I personally think that the product, placement, programming and pricing mix are most effectively used to contribute to the success of the event.

The product mix covers a wide range of arts exhibition targeting at different market segments such as cultural lovers, youths, kids and tourists. This also applies to the programming mix as well. The locations were also strategically located which is one of the contributing factors to the event’s overwhelming response. Lastly, an admission fee of $10 is really an affordable price for the public to pay. The half price promotion tickets could even attract people who have no interest in arts at all.

Partnership mix was effective to a certain extent as most of their partners helped to promote Biennale internationally. In addition, partnerships with credit card companies might be able to boost more sales.

However, Biennale 2008 should improve on their promotions, distribution and people mix. The role of advertising is to create awareness but it was not used effectively. Although the Biennale is featured in arts magazine, this will not reach out to the rest of the public. The only method of purchasing tickets and only mode of payment by cash has its limitations. If Biennale 2008 were to provide e-ticketing, the response might be better. Lastly, they really do have to provide proper training to their staffs on being hospitable. Their “play-play” attitude really irks me off.

Last but not least, Biennale 2008 also acts as a tourist attraction, animators, image maker and catalyst. It is able to attract more tourists and increase their length of stay in Singapore. It is also able to encourage first and repeat visits by their programming and marketing mix. Also, it serves as a catalyst for City Hall to be revamped and the construction of Downtown Line indirectly.

How successful an event would be really depends on the effective usage of the marketing mix. Successful events would then be able to have an impact on the tourism industry as well as Singapore’s economy.

Refer to Appendix J for group pictures.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Appendix A- Kids’ Biennale Pictures

These are the various drawings done by the kids. These are all pasted on the walls and it is amazing how drawings can really help kids to express their emotions.

The kids were also asked to do a mind map on their definitions of “wonder”. Judging from the picture on the left, being able to celebrate birthday, having pets and going overseas are her definition of wonders.

I was quite appalled when I first saw this art piece. Are you sure this is drawn by a primary school kid? This is actually a sketch of a naked sexy woman. Maybe education nowadays should be revised.

Appendix B- Product

Another fascinating art piece would be I’m not Expensive, 2008 by Lee Yong Deok (Korea). Click here to view the video on YouTube. This is a tricky art piece as it plays trick to our eyes. The objects in the art piece are indented into the walls. Just by looking at it does not reveal anything special. However, if you focus on a particular object and walk horizontally, the art piece is actually moving! For example, the couple in blue is dancing and waltzing! Isn’t this amazing?

This art piece by a fellow Singaporean also left me a deep impression. It is named Who Is This Family, 2008 by Rachel Goh (Singapore). As we stepped into the room, we saw 5 photo frames hanging on the wall, featuring a family portrait. At first I was wondering why are there 5 identical pictures displayed. The next second, I realized that every portrait is different only in terms of their physical position within the photograph. The poses and clothes were maintained. What a creative art piece!

Bus Stop features a video of shadows of people waiting at the bus stop. Some might find it scary but I do find it kind of interesting. Observing the small actions by the people in the video is interesting.

Infinite Islands and Altitude of 10,000m are done by Furuda Ryuro (Germany). These beautiful images are not “real scenes”. The author is trying to explore the beautiful global environment that surrounds us. Stepping into the room gives me a tranquil feeling which eases my mind.

Tropicana (2008) is done by E Chen who is living in Taiwan. The first picture features the yarn. The author showed us how the yarn is being woven into different shapes like the scooter and ivy and how it is transformed back to yarn. It helped us witness the transformation of object from its initial state of manufactured items and disintegration back to mounds of yarn.

Beyond Recognition

Appendix C- Promotions

McCafe: Enjoy 20% off biennale tickets with purchase of a wonder set.

Andersen’s ice cream: Flash this page to enjoy free banana bread.

One-for-one promotion: Visit the Biennale with a member of your family and your loved one gets to enter the exhibition for free.

Appendix D- Channels of Distribution

Both the website and blog serve as channels to get closer to their customers as internet is easily accessible nowadays. Guests are able to obtain information about the Biennale easily and hence it increases the probability of getting the product to the customer.

Their Facebook account (click here) also serves as an internet distribution channel as it is able to tap on the youths’ market as well. The broader their distribution network, the higher the chances of getting visitors to the event.

Appendix E- Programming

Biennale Race 2008 is targeted at youths. In teams of four, they will race around the venues of biennale 2008. They are tasked to complete challenges related to the Biennale. This will enable them to develop a greater understanding and interest towards the biennale.

Wanderlust aims to attract arts students to explore the Singapore Biennale sites and work with the artists. Arts students would definitely be attracted as it would be a rare and great opportunity for them to work with the artist and develop a greater understanding towards Arts.

Singapore Biennale 2008 is really clever to use Peer-led guiding to attract more students as it works through word of mouth- which is the strongest communication. A few selected students would be selected to visit the Biennale and introduce it to their friends. Teenagers are more likely to be influenced by their friends than the media; hence Singapore Biennale 2008 had done a good job in trying to target the younger market segments.

Appendix F- Price

Biennale ticket holders also get to enjoy a Singapore Flyer ticket at $21 (adult), $20.65 (child or student) and $23.60 (senior citizens). The original Singapore Flyer admission tickets are $29.50, $20.65 and $23.60 respectively. Only the adults would feel that it is worth it as they get to pay a lesser amount to enjoy both the biennale and Singapore Flyer.

Lastly, PAssion card holders also get to enjoy 30% admission ticket and 20% admission ticket if a McCafe meal is purchased.

Appendix G- Price: Non cash cost

Time – the opportunity cost of the time spent at the Singapore Biennale with using the time to do projects. Because of this event, we ended our project meeting early intentionally.

Physical efforts- as mentioned above, we searched high and low for the correct venue and this had made us so tired mentally. We had to take a train down from school and return home via train too. Transport fares are so expensive nowadays.

Psychic costs- this definitely applies to me as some of the exhibitions are really scary and a torture to my mental state of state. For example, the m* are really disgusting to me. Although they are designed in a cute form, I can imagine them crawling. My friend got really freaked out by dark rooms too. Screamings were uncontrollable.

Sensory costs- City Hall building is not really attractive as the building is old and decaying. Furthermore, walking along the corridors at 7pm is really scary as the whole building is quiet and dark.

Appendix H- Pictures of tourists

These are pictures of tourists to prove that Biennale 2008 also served as a tourist attraction. The guy on the right is such a helpful and caring person. He saw that we were taking turns to help each other take photos and he came up to us and initiated to help us take a group picture. The basic courtesy is to of course thank him for his help and hope that he will enjoy his stay in Singapore.

This is a picture featuring Marina Bay. As seen from the picture, Marina Bay has a huge influx of tourists which also helps to draw the crowd to Biennale 2008.

Appendix I- History of City Hall

City Hall is where the British accepted the surrender of the Japanese, formally ending the Japanese Occupation of Singapore. It was also here where Lee Kuan Yew, as Prime Minister, proclaimed self-government for Singapore and merger with Malaysia on 16 September 1963.

Appendix J: Group Pictures


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Singapore Tourism Board. (2006). Tourism 2015. Retrieved from: http://app.stb.gov.sg/asp/abo/abo08.asp Last accessed: 19 November 2008

Singapore Biennale 2008. (2008). Venues- City Hall. Retrieved from: http://www.singaporebiennale.org/venues-cityhall.html Last accessed: 19 November 2008

Land Transport Authority. (2003). Downtown Line. Retrieved from: http://www.lta.gov.sg/projects/index_proj_dtl.htm Last accessed: 19 November 2008

This blog is being up set for my Individual Field Study on Festivals and Events Management. Enjoy! Pictures are proof of visit (:

Personal Details
Greetings! (:
Name: Steffi Ng Li Rong
Admin No: 0703721A
Class: T11
School: Temasek Polytechnic, Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management
Email: 0703721A@ student.tp.edu.sg

All information and pictures are copyrighted by Steffi Ng Li Rong of Temasek Polytechnic (2008). Pictures were all editted and personalised by me. Ripping is NOT ALLOWED.


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